Monday, December 25, 2006

Well, it's Christmas, and I'm trying to figure out whether I'm giving myself a blog. A blog is like a pet, or sourdough starter. I can't just get it, keep it and ignore it. I like the thought of tracking what I'm thinking about, what I'm doing, whether I finish what I start, and trying to give others a window into my life. This brings up issues of authenticity and healthy boundaries -- how to convey my life honestly, yet maintain reasonable personal and family privacy? True to form, I'm over-thinking this.

I have to be careful about the desire to entertain -- I use it as a smokescreen, and long ago, a counselor suggested I forgo it. I did so reluctantly, but it really made a huge difference in my relationships, making it safe for people to trust me and be honest. I want to keep that.

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